Wednesday, March 29, 2006

teardrop collie

Got another idea, partly inspired by this bloke. I linked to his spot via Illustration Friday.

The song in the background is Love and Rockets' Teardrop Collie and he says, "I'll wipe these tears from your eyes/I'll wipe these tears/make you feel all right; and you can watch the world go you woke up one morning/found everything changed;so you woke up one morning/found you had to re-arrange your know you can make it...."


a bit of silliness last night, finally got the thing to upload so's I could download - done at 30fps

and a bit more this morning, since the uploading service I use seems to be going along at a good clip now - filmed at only 15fps and I sure can see the difference. That background? It's Jacque's brilliance, yet again. It's a monoprint - isn't it fabulous??

Methinks I am going to save up for a digicam. After the scanner. And the printer. Amazing what fun I can have though, with minimal equipment...I guess I could say that what I lack in technology I make up for in technique, however jejune that may be...

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

as the crow flies/a vol d'oiseau

I went for a walk earlier today. It was sunny and warm. I was thinking that I'd be happy if it never got any hotter than it did this afternoon. I began walking to the post office with a long-sleeve and jacket over my tank but by the time I crested the rise at the butte (the lower one, mind you, my knee is still awry and does not like Der Matterhorn) I needed to shed layers. By the time I started down the other side, the clouds were moving in. Went through Island Park and a couple of crows were taking turns saying things. Loudly, gritty, like crows do. So I'm inviting that crow to say something...and then I remark upon how lovely our park is, isn't it great and I luuurve it.

For some reason the other videos I reeled this evening aren't uploading. It's a damn shame, too, because...well you'll see eventually, I hope.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

open wide!!

Jax: "Did you know there are big bumps in the back of your throat? On your tongue?!"

Me: "oh, yeah! it's crazy back there!"

Jax: "Let me look."

Me: "Aaaahhhhhh..."

Jax: "Uh...eeek!...euw!...I don't know if I'll ever kiss anyone again!"

***the video uses Macromedia Flash Player - if you're not hearing sound, I don't know what to tell you but it's a helluva lot funnier if you can hear it***

Monday, March 20, 2006


On friday, Jason came over and found out why my 'puter was running sooooo sloooooow. Something to do with a DNS server. He got new firmware installed and VOILA vroom vroom. Here's the guru himself:

I'm such a goofball. Anyway...THANKS JASON!!!!

And I must properly introduce you to Sheena, the new stove. What?!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

the three faces of eve

Bon soir mes amis!

Not only does the moon inspire us to wax rhapsodic, but she waxes most luminously as well. A view from the front porch tonight, round about 8:00:

Monday, March 13, 2006

quick tour

Went back to work last week, and there'd been considerable activity! A new show's been displayed - quilts! Wish we could have this kind of color around more often. The view is from inside the paging window, where I spend a lot of time processing magazines and newspapers.

stop motion

For those of you who cannot for whatever reason view the video, I offer up some pictures of Josie doing much of what my digital camera had the great good fortune to capture.

can we say....heaven? nay, nirvana??

Such contentedness.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

happy girl

Josie spent the night! We went for a few walks, she conked out on the couch at one point...which she isn't supposed to do, but I couldn't berate her too severely, because she does it at home and well, I guess she really feels at home here. I like that. We were both a little drag-in-the-rear-end-ish this morning after walkabout, down to the river and back. But when Jacque came to get her, Josie perked right up! Here you see her with her 'bear' (even though it's a monkey...don't tell Josie that), which she gets when she's really happy and content.

Saturday, March 11, 2006


Yesterday morning this is what I woke up to, wah!!:

I was up really early - eery for there to be reflective light bouncing off snow, but in a good way.

Now this is what it's looking like thismorning:

Josie is spending the night tonight! Yay! Jacque will be going to Portland so Josie is 'holding down the fort' with me. You know what that means....potential Josie footage!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

between storms

Woke up this morning and surprise! there was snow! It melted quickly of course, but twice in one year? Wow. The clouds cleared and I went hiking over the butte to snap pictures and this is what I saw:

The above scene is what I see when I'm on the return trip, going back up the south side. looks deceptively flat, when in fact, I am very definitely going uphill.

This is quince...blimey, but ain't it all just so beautiful?!

And then this afternoon, we had wind and slushy flakes falling again. We may not get thunderstorms but we do have our little dramas nonetheless.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

great herons

Jacque, Josie and I went for a walk on sunday afternoon. There is a tree that houses bird's nests...specifically, heron's nests. Each year they come cruising back in and fortify their twiggy townhouses. Now, every year that I pass this spot on the bike path, people are standing around goggling, quite often in the middle of the path. Quite frequently I get a little (or a lot, depending) irritated. It's not a parking lot, people. Some people use the bench that's set back just a little ways, that's nice. Well now I understand why it is easy to forget that you are in a trafficked area...the herons are so majestic, the whole scene is so grand, to lose yourself is no difficult task.

Oh, and in case you're wondering where the requisite Josie-Videos are...I just haven't had time to upload them yet. Worry not, they're on the way.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Post Op

Yes, I may feel like utter crap after minor surgery on thursday morning, but I can still amuse myself (and maybe you), can't I? I think anesthesia withdrawal is the absolute worst.

Daily Dose

It's the daily dose of Josie! Trying to get some light on the subject...a bit better but still...

Thursday, March 02, 2006


Here are some pics I snapped whilst out and about the other day. I live at the base of a small butte, so just about daily I walk to the top, down the lee side, sometimes I go through the park down by the river, and then I walk up and back down the butte again. It's a great view at the top and I love the neighborhood.

I've walked up that butte hundreds of times and never saw this until tuesday. It may be newly placed, or I may have used my eyes in a new way. I love it though.

A splash of color...everything starts bursting at the end of February!

Top of the butte, overlooking the valley to the west. You can see Eugene from here, it's only about three miles away. The hump on the right-ish side is Skinner's Butte, it's right by the river. If you look left just an inch or so, you'd be gazing just about right at the library where I work.

Looking southwards from atop. The big bump partly shrouded in mist is Spencer's Butte. That is a nice little hike.


Legs. Mine. They work!

I think it's beautiful, and again, I'd never really seen it, or in this way until now. It'll probably make its way into some art - there is an upcoming Asian themed ATC swap. Perfect.

Now I KNOW I've never seen these rabbits here before! What a day I had! Hey, it was my birthday...what a great birthday.

Coming into the park now, over a small bridge.

Cute lil' quackers.

Great big honkers! (they mobbed me, even for stale freezer burned corn tortillas!)

On the way back home. I love the carpet of lavender colors that spring up around here.

...and in this corner's rink time with Josie and Jax!!!!

okay,'s amateur night as well. Learning the ropes with the digicam...lights! camera! Action!

(we need lights!!)

This was last night's funfest. We all had a sleepover so that Jax could take me to the hospital this morning (all is well, minor stuff...just kinda drowsy now, and at this point, folding sheets would really wipe me out more than usual!).

The Best in the West

That's our Josie. This is the first little video clip I took with my digicam. She was beginning to do her leaning and falling asleep thing but she perked up a bit when I took the camera out. My arm finally got tired holding the spotlight at the end, that's what we're laughing about (oh wait, that part seems to have been truncated). I have pitiable upper body strength; folding sheets can make me tired. For heaven's sake. I used my bike light for illumination. Auteur I am not, but the cuteness of Josie makes up for that.