Saturday, April 21, 2007

Make bread when the sun doesn't shine

Okay. I've learned the bare-bones basics for my new Canon Powershot. The video features works GREAT but makes really big files. This is 26mb for only 12 seconds of footage. Gah!

I made bread this afternoon, and the bread maker kept failing. My other one died right before I moved, and I only used it for about a year! This one is a month old. What the hell. So back to the store I go with it. Boo hiss.

On the bright side, I figured out how to jiggle it just right to get it going again, but I had to babysit it the whole afternoon.

Virtual Tour of the New Digs

Here is a slice of the bathroom. Since there are no windows, I've rigged up a yellow light to give this end of the apartment a glow instead of a black pit. More pics later. At the end of this hallway is a door, which leads out to the back patio (more pics later). Across the hall from the bathroom is my bedroom (uh...more pics later).

Here's one end of the kitchen. I'm standing at the sink. To my right is a doorway, and then further on down to the right of the table and chairs is the other doorway. I like it, creates a nice circular flow. I've never had a kitchen with two doorways before! On the other side of the wall with the tapestry is the entryway, where there is a good sized closet and a large area with linoleum. Perfect for muddy feetsies. (more pics to come!)

The tapestry is one that I found when all of a sudden Ganesh was popping up everywhere in my life. Ganesh is an Indian god - one of the things he's a patron saint of (so to speak) is new journeys and...opening doorways. His head is an elephant.

Now I'm standing at the other end of the kitchen, at the table and chairs. I put more christmas lights up top there, where the cabinets are. There is a large space between the cabinets and the ceiling, and it's very dark so I wanted to spruce it up and, ya know, make it glow.

Now I've moved nearer to the fridge and looking out through one of the doorways. Then there is the hallway, and you can see through into my bedroom. That's a canopy (tapestry) hanging from the ceiling, over my bed...hard to make out in this context unless you're actually IN my apartment. The cabinets are for art stuff, they fit perfectly along the bit of wall between the two kitchen doorways.

Here I'm panning left across the kitchen, to the other doorway. Still crouched by the table, near the fridge. Looking out into the living room, where the studio area is set up. The front window is there, to the left.

The little hanging woven tapestry you see here is something that I made for my mother when I was in second grade. She gave it back to me right before she died. I'm so glad she kept it. I remember being really excited to give it to her, and very proud of myself: instead of making the tapestry of only straight across weaves, I poked into it and weaved inside of the solid colors, making warpy wefty designs. I still wuv it.

Here's a bit more view of the window/studio area in the living room.

Now I've stepped out into the living room, looking out towards the front window. I'm standing by the TV, near the other kitchen doorway (the one closer to the back of the apartment). The corner where the art table is was very dark until I strung up guessed it...glowey christmas lights, and then hung up a length of cloth diagonally in the corner (the table is set diagonally also). I like for that corner to be lit when the art table lights aren't blasting their full-spectum-ness all over the place. I also replaced the standard-issue clinical white apartment curtains with two panels of rich earth/clay colored curtains. MUCH better.

Another view from the kitchen door, pulling back a bit and panning to the right a bit, where the couch is. I hung mirrors on the wall too, which are fabulously cheap ones that happen to go quite well with all the colors (which I realize recall something like a bordello.....).

Panning left some more. That's a good low-light shot of Jacque's monoprint! And, it's echoed in the mirror too :)

Now here, I'm standing over in the corner where the couch and Jacque's monoprint is. Looking back towards the kitchen area. This side of the wall is where I hung up a single panel curtain that was on extra sale at Target. One panel. I thought it would come in handy, for five bucks, and it did.

Maybe when I get off my tookus and play with my new camera, I'll find that it takes much better low-light videos, and I'll take you all on tour with me that way.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A Monster A Day.....

.....helps keep the fighting at bay!

My friend Jacque has been doing art with her sweetie's kids in the morning, to stave off the inevitable squabbles. Well, and to have some fun too :) After seeing Stefan Bucher's ink-blot monsters, they've all been so keen to try it out too. Check these out! They're pretty awesome!

Here is Ryan's (who will be 7 in June):

Rrrawr!! Excellent, Ryan!!

And here is Megan's, who turned 10 last December:

Hee hee! Love it, Megan!!

The three that follow are Jacque's. Yah scwheeeeet, J!