Monday, December 25, 2006

for Ryan

and here we've got your favorite dragon, for the six-year-old dragon-lover:

For Megan

He is blowing his nose! For Megan, Happy Solstice!

For Marsha

This is Marsha's little weirdo, also with pokey-outey things for sunrays in the spirit of Solstice:

For Jacque

Thought I'd archive each of the little darlngs here. Made these for my friends, for holydaze gifting. This on is for Jacque, made to look like a crazy sunlike thing, for Solstice:

Monday, December 18, 2006

fashion spread

Here is Norman in 3D! He's for Kendra (who luuurves elephants), I made him from Sculpey. I gave K an ATC of an elephant only in pink and I named him Norman and she liked him way more than I thought she would, she's so sweet. She's very vocal about her appreciations, too, which is so cool. We're both big laughers.

a belated Thanksgiving Special

What with all the broken bones around here and ensuing mayhem, non-creativity, falderol et al.....I didn't even post pics of Thanksgiving! Well here they are:

Jacque carving Le Bird.

Me, oblivious to the clowning around going on behind me. Becky and Ariana up to their usual hijinx. Corbin (Ariana's son) sits at the other end of the table. Cool kid.

Here we are again, this time Megan (Marsha's daugher) gets in on the fun this time.

Across the table Rickie awaits stuffing, Jacque grins salaciously, and Ryan (Marsha's son) with his usual big smile.

Now Marsha gets in on the picture and I take a turn snapping.

Here's Megan with her Opera Singer. Fabulous! We were playing Cranium (a mix of pictionary, charades, trivia and other stuf...including sculpting). And trying to digest enough so as to have a go at all the pie waiting for us.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

fun with Kali

and here we are having fun at Kali's expense. Kendra loves Kali oh yes she does.

....did I mention that Kendra and Kali get along just famously?

kali go kali

Kinda hard to capture this one on film, for some reason...or, to get a good shot. But, you get the idea. Made this out of Sculpey, then painted and glazed it, for my friend Jacque. She just turned 45! Happy Birthday to yououuuuuuuu. A fun time was had by all. I've been giving her weird/cute/bizarre sculpey friends for a few years now.

laughing my arse off

....this after watching Transforce over at