Saturday, December 22, 2007


......that it is. And here we are in the darkest hours. This is where I spend most of my off-time - unless it's summer, then I'm out in the garden more. I was just looking at the summer pictures of this place after AntH asked about posting some pics over on flickr of my art space. Here are some from tonight then. I realized this is the longest my hair has been for years and years so I snapped some photos.....not that you can see much anyway but tonight is a good night not so camera-shy.....

What is that stuff on the floor? That's not a habitual thing. Too much.

If it's cluttered - too much - I can't settle in and do art. This is a good week's worth accumulation all over the tables. Stencils on the left and the latest printmaking party too; Barandash on the computer.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Monday, December 03, 2007

warrior Jason