Tuesday, July 11, 2006

dance Kiki dance

Okay so now I'm making these art dolls. Call 'em whatcha want, I think of them as muppetry with a twist and shout. This is how I make art dolls, anyway. A bit of Sculpey, make some jump rings and string some beads together...voila!

Soundtrack courtesy of Katamari Damashi, a video game in which you roll a big sticky ball (katamari) around and gather up things...eventually you're rolling up cities and such. Apparently. I haven't played. But I love the soundtrack and the website! Kiki likes to dance to it, too. She's going to Canada soon, I will miss her.

Thursday, July 06, 2006


Last week I stopped in at Shawn Mediaclasts's Museum of Unfine Art. Never saw his dog Killer before. He couldn't decide whether to scratch his nose or his bum so he did both.......good idea.

Monday, July 03, 2006

sing sing

The girls are singing again!

a trip through the supermarket

Ummm....I totally misread this sign at first, omitting a few crucial letters.

And then rounded the corner and saw this for sale:

Umm...shag? Free balls? Reload? Oh jeez.

Turned around and headed for the checkout stand and this caught my eye:

Yeah! THIS is what I need! Growing pains, causeless crying...uh huh that's me the last coupla days. Lack of focus...extreme sensitivity...hey what is this, a miracle drug? Is it really legal?? Actually, I think a homeopathic doctor once gave me pulsatilla...I cried for three days afterwards, if I remember correctly. The ingredients for the most part really are 'all natural'. I used to work at an herb extract facility so I'm kinda familiar with those names although...couldn't really tell you what they are. Why don't they just list the common names for crying out loud! Waaahhhh! THAT damaged my calm!

summertime take one today

This is what folks get up to in the summer months around these parts. This is the Willamette River. It's slower and lower now, of course...and I'm standing on a footbridge (one of several that span the waters at intervals). I stopped for a moment during the bike ride I luxuriated in this morning. I love seeing the rocks poking up all over and stacked one atop another.

This is looking upriver, to the east.

I think this may be a magnolia tree. The blossoms are HUGE, bigger than softballs by far - though the size isn't represented very well here.

I arrived at the supermarket and these were at the flower stand!

It's a beautiful day here...........I love summer.