Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Jane, whaddya say?

Couple weekends ago, we had ourselves a little Pride. I thought it would be way more crowded, but I stopped in to see my girls and snap a photo of Jane here, who is something of a local celebrity. My friend Jacque sculpted her, and she (Jane, not Jacque) used to be red and resided in the local female-friendly bookstore, Mother Kali's. Mother Kali's up and moved locales and all of their ceilings are too low to house Jane, so out she came for Pride, retrofitted in gold regale.

She is definitely undeniable.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

cuz i-i-it's my partay

because i'm weird

because i can

because why the hell not

because soundgarden's mailman is inspirational

because it means more to me than you but i'm not doing it for you

loafing around

I was on a breadmaking binge yesterday. Above, I think the best loaf I've helped turn out yet. Whole wheat/rye with nuts and seeds. Good balance of flavors, nicely risen, super deelish....

And here's the mile-high blackberry breadstuff, with brown sugar on top. The berries, they're right outside my front door! In droves and groves! You gotta love the Northwest...

The zucchini bread is in the freezer, the other loaf left with friends last night at Art Night. Also brought along the blackberry and Marsha brought some blackberry crisp...damn that was good. Ice cream too. Perfect summer fare!

Also stir-fried up some zucchini. The senior citizen center around the corner hosts a garden leftover table. Folks bring in whatever they can't use and people like myself who don't hoe a garden are most appreciatively munching on fresh produce. Sweeeeeeet!