Wednesday, June 27, 2007


In the morning when it's sunny, this place is almost livable!

I know, people have suffered worse. I just do NOT feel lively, inspired, or basically happy in this space. I'm ecstatic that I've found another and will be moving in a few days. There is something just basically wrong with needing to turn on all the lights in the house when there is sun outside, just so you can see yourself pick your nose, you know?

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

doe a deer

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Last week sometime, between rain showers, the sun peeked out. I happened to be near the back door, which I keep open now that it's warming up...and I saw sunlight through drops of water hanging from the underside of the porch railing. Pretty amazing.

Monday, June 18, 2007

vid clips

Man, the video quality declines when uploaded to YouTube! what is the deal?

Sahalie Falls

Further up the McKenzie

Sahalie Falls on a Sunday

This is at the top of Sahalie

And this is looking down at the other spectators who are, no doubt, becoming very damp and chilly. Gorgeous isn't it?? The people are the little specs of bluishness near the lefthand side. It's not really a super long ways away.

Marsha and Me, Jacque's behind the camera

Josie gets to go!!

Looking downriver from upriver

local fauna...pretty pretty so green, huh!!

dang it! I started uploading in Small pics which does no justice to the grandeur of this ginormous tree we sat under

Ever the watchful......we weren't even eating but Josie hopes for a wayward crumb.

Cool wood, all natural!

More local flora.....what the heck ARE they?? They're pretty small, I'm sure they're fungii