Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Late last night, and I don't know where the inspiration came from. Out of the blue, as they say. It's not fancy but what it lacks in technical wow makes up in atmosphere, at least for me. It was raining last night too, I really wanted to capture that sound, but the mic on the camera wasn't that strong, even though the bathroom window was wide open. Yes, folks, this is my bathroom. You can just about see the card I received, propped against the wall. It's a crow and I received it from Ang over on Nervousness, in a postcard swap. It's beautiful and the colors in my bathroom all play with each other, now with this beautiful card to add to the mix.

I wish so much that I could film the view from inside the bathroom, looking at the frosted window at night. When the neighbor across the courtyard turns the porchlight on, shadows of bamboo are thrown up 'like patterns of nerves against a screen' - to loosely paraphrase ts eliot in Lovesong of J Alfred Prufrock. That's what I always think of when I see it, a saintly dance, it's breathtaking. Everything is dark except for that illuminated spot through the window, which is further refracted into patterns because of the window-glass.


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